hyperpigmentation — Blog — Jeannine Morris


I Tried A Chemical Peel to Lighten My Hyperpigmentation

I Tried A Chemical Peel to Lighten My Hyperpigmentation

Thanks to my on-going battle with hyperpigmentation, bi-yearly moderate peels have become part of my skincare regimen.   I've been fighting hyperpigmentation since what seems like the beginning of time (or more truthfully, since I learned what the brown spots on my face were back when I worked at Cosmo).  For me, it's 100% from the sun.  While I used to bake in tanning beds when I was young (I was an idiot), as soon as I became an beauty editor (over a decade ago), I've been shunning the sun or at least slathering my skin in SPF and being diligent about reapplying.  No matter how careful and mindful I am, the hyperpigmentation always comes back.  Therefore, after the summertime, I always do a good peel as a jumpstart to a new skincare regimen with a focus on lightening.

A Laser Treatment with No Downtime

A Laser Treatment with No Downtime

Whether you have hyperpigmentation like me, acne scars or fine lines and wrinkles that you'd like to get rid of, one of the fastest ways to get the job done is through laser treatments. Hyperpigmentation has haunted me all of my life and I'm constantly on a quest to brighten my skin.  A few years ago, I tried Fraxel, which unless you have severe acne scarring, I would never recommend.  It was brutal (see post here) and while my skin looked very clean after the healing, all of my hyperpigmentation eventually came back.  Enter PicoSure, a laser that was recently FDA approved for facial resurfacing with seriously, no downtime.