
More Repulsive Ways to Accessorize Our Vags: Feathers & Fur

What's with women wanting to decorate their vaginas?  Isn't lingerie enough?  I thought Vajazzling was tacky, yet hysterical, then there was Vatooing and now people are actually accessorizing them with feathers and fur.  No lie.  They're getting waxed and then adding hair from a different beast.  Can someone explain the reasoning behind this to me please?  Introducing the latest craze: the Fox Fur and Feather Merkin Bikinis. Completely Bare Salon in NYC owned by Real Housewife of NY, Cindy Barshop is offering both treatments.  The Fox Fur Bikini uses real fox fur, which is applied to the bikini line after a wax and lasts three days.  As you can imagine, Peta is outraged.  Imagine... "My coat is faux fur, but my pubes aren't."  I can't even!

Then, there's the Carnivale Bikini, which uses "trendy feathers in a variety of hot colors" to decorate your crotch.  Who do these types of treatments attract?  I remember when Vajazzling was a thing Peenazzling came shortly after, which can only make me think.

Here's a video of Cindy Barshop of Completely Bare explaining both treatments.  Sexy or not?  You decide.

BeautySweetSpot's Top Five Posts of 2010

It's been an incredible year thanks to you, my readers!  According to your clicks and the time you've spent on my site I can measure which posts you really read, which you didn't care for and which were a huge hit this year.  Allow me to introduce the top five posts of 2010 according to you: 1. 2010 International Emmy Awards Highlights - This had to be because of Rita Pereira's show-stopping cleavage.  I scored an exclusive interview with the Portugeuse actress backstage that cause quite an uproar.  The YouTube video of the interview now has over 1,152,650 hits!

2. Holiday Gift Idea & Giveaway: Calvin Klein Euphoria - You love giveaways, but this one really hit home for readers of all ages and got quite competitive with 26 entries!

3. Ban Cellulite Now - Every woman's enemy no matter how much they weigh: cellulite.  So it makes sense this one was a big hit.  Hey, it revealed the truth!

4. Vajazzling, I Had To - Ah, vajazzling.  Yes, one of the biggest crazes of 2010 and apparently you were intrigued!  Of course, I had to take it a step further and report on penazzling too!  Hey, it's only fair!

5. Victoria's Secret Fashion Show: Backstage Makeup Secrets Video - Covering this sexy event was one of the highlights of my year.  I had exclusive backstage coverage of the taping of the sexiest show on earth just for you!

So it's been a pretty good year for BeautySweetSpot with some fun interviews including Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and oh yea, remember when Julia Roberts called me and my other blogger friends "cute" at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards? - awesome!  But I promise that there is much much more in store for you, my readers in 2011.

Thank you for your support this year!

Vajazzling: I Had To

I wasn't going to do it, but I couldn't help myself.  Blog about it that is!  Get your mind out of the gutter!  Vajazzling, the art of bedazzling your you-know-what is the latest craze in grooming down there for women.  To be honest, it disgusts me.  What happened to getting excited over lingerie? Now, there's penazzling! Swear to God... Completely Bare Spa has embraced equal opportunity by decorating guys junk with crystals.  Please, make it stop!  What would you do if you saw a bedazzled wiener? OMG I can't even imagine!

The question used to be whether or not to get a Brazilian and now it's whether or not you should surprise your significant other with crystals all over your crotch.  While I'm opting out of this, many are embracing it including Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Check out the YouTube video of Bryce from The Luxury Spot getting Vajazzled and let me know what you think.  Are you in or out?