
How to Get the Perfect Smile on NBC's New York Live

I always love going back to New York Live to see my friends and talk about hot new beauty topics.  Today, I chatted with Jackie about how to get a great smile and brought with me the creme de la creme.  Obviously since I did Invisalign last year, I've been just a bit anal about my smile and loved showing off my tips and favorite products today.

Top Ways to Boost Your Smile, In Case Your OCD Like Me

Ever since I straightened my teeth with Invisalign I've been completely OCD about my smile. It's to the point where I'm looking at every celebrities smile and comparing mine to it. Apparently some of them (like Jessica Biel) even move their gums so their teeth are the "ideal" height and width.  According to an Invisalign study, almost three in four (73%) Americans would be more likely to trust someone with a nice smile.  A nice smile, not a perfect smile.  So here are ways I've been boosting mine and satisfying my obsession. I started using fancy toothpaste.   Theodent Classic Whitening Crystal Mint to be exact, with a combination of Crest 3D White products.  My newly aligned teeth deserve to be pampered with pretty toothpaste.  That's how crazy I am now, but I will say that it's an all natural whitener that makes my mouth feel clean and my teeth sparkle.  I've also been obsessed with Crest 2D White Multi-Care Whitening Rinse and probably overuse their 2 Hour Express Whitestrips, which I don't recommend you do at home.

Another thing I've been doing is wearing lip color!  I want to draw all of the attention to my mouth now.  I used to always play up my eyes, but now I finally feel confident enough to make accentuating my smile an option too.  Tip: Use a blue based red lipstick to make your teeth look whiter.

Check out my new smile here!

*I am a spokesperson for Invisalign (sponsored) and I have received complimentary treatment, but all of my thoughts and actions are my own.

Before & Afters: 5 Months into Invisalign Treatment

It's to the point where I feel naked without my Invisalign.  I'm five months into my treatment and my orthodontist just told me I'll most likely be finished at the end of November!  I can't believe how much my teeth have moved, but beyond that, I'm still in shock by the fact that I underwent orthodontic treatment at 29.  Check out the before and after pics of my treatment now.  They're getting more drastic!

The gap in between my front two teeth is closing!

My bottom teeth are almost completely straight!

*I am receiving free Invisalign treatment, but my thoughts and actions are true.

An Update on My Journey Through Invisalign

I've been wearing Invisalign since the middle of May and now, just four months later (and 10 aligners), I have a completely different smile.  While I'm not done with my treatment yet, I can't believe how much my teeth have shifted.  My journey to a 'perfect' smile is almost complete and wearing the aligners 22/7 has been a cinch – I'm serious.  I change them every ten days now and actually crave the tight feel of a new set because in my mind, I know that means they're working.  Check out the video that shows how much my teeth have already shifted.  Only a few more months to go!


*I am a spokesperson for Invisalign (sponsored) and I have received complimentary treatment, but all of my thoughts and actions are my own.

The Truth About My First Few Weeks Wearing Invisalign

I have to say I'm completely amazed by my Invisalign treatment so far.  Of course I knew that by following the rules and wearing my aligners 22 hours a day (yes, I've been wearing them all the time!) my teeth would move, but now that I'm in treatment and actually doing it, I'm amazed.  Many of you have been writing in asking how it's been going so far and here's the real deal. I'm on my third aligner and wearing them has become second nature.  Every two weeks I switch aligners as they keep getting a bit tighter and shifting my teeth in different ways.  But I'm not going to lie, the first week was a bit rough.  Even though it took Joe (my live in bf) a full 24 hours to notice I was even wearing them, my gums felt tense, and since I wasn't used to wearing them, my speech was a bit off for a day or two.  I had to practice saying words with "S's" in them and would discretely go to the bathroom before meals to take them out, because I was a bit embarrassed.

After the first few days my attitude about wearing the aligners and experience completely changed.  I was speaking clearly again and forgot I even had them in.  I even wore them for my most recent on air gig!  I'm confident when I speak and even slide them out at dinner tables politely behind a napkin like it's no big deal.  My teeth have definitely already shifted.  The first thing I noticed was my bite.  It's different!  I'll keep you updated on progress, but if you continue to have questions, please don't hesitate to ask along the way!

*I am a spokesperson for Invisalign (sponsored) and I have received complimentary treatment, but all of my thoughts and actions are my own.


My Motivational Tool Throughout Invisalign Treatment

Last month I posted that I was starting a journey to a better smile with Invisalign and recently visited my orthodontist, Dr. Hung to check out my ClinCheck prescription.  We video taped it, because I just had to share how advanced this technology is!  It actually shows how my teeth will move throughout treatment.  Talk about motivation!

*I am a spokesperson for Invisalign (sponsored) and I have received complimentary treatment, but all of my thoughts and actions are my own.