
Have A Jersey Shore Halloween

Do you know what you're being for Halloween yet?  I have to admit I'm staying far out of NYC during the parade thanks to the amount of Snooki's and Paulie D's that I fear will be running around this year.  This year, I'm sticking to watching trick or treaters in, ironic enough, Jersey. If you want to embrace your inner Jersey Shore or try it on for just a minute by all means, be my guest!  DailyMakeover put together a Jersey themed makeover studio where you can try on the best of the Jersey characters from all of the shows.


There's a Snooki-themed costume on the market, but it's much more fun to recreate her signature pouf on your own. To really cement the look, wear bedazzled sunglasses and carry a jar of pickles all night. Not into Snooks? Here are four more Jersey-themed Halloween looks to try on.

Theresa of The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Our preferred housewife to dress up as is Teresa Giudice because of her ridiculous hairstyles and clothes, but that does not give you an excuse to flip tables all night. You can, however, get one of your friends to dress like Danielle Staub so you two can cause fake drama all night.

Lydia Hearst of Boardwalk Empire

Looking for a period costume? Look no further than HBO's new hit show about Atlantic City during Prohibition in the roaring '20s. Dress like a flapper and do your hair in a classic '20s hairstyle. Either create a faux (or real!) bob for the night, or wear a headband around the crown of your head in the hairstyle du jour.

A Jerseylicious stylist

In this Style Network show, Jersey girls attempt to fit both their hair and their attitudes under the roof of the hair salon where they all work. Remember that frosted eye shadow palette you bought but never used? It's time to dig it out.

Jerseylicious? Another Reality Lie

I received a startling phone call this morning from a long time friend, Liz, who I haven't spoken to in a few years. Excited to catch up, I was disturbed when she began ranting on the reason she called.  No, she wasn't angry at me, but the fact that the hair salon her and I went to all through high school together and partially in college is being portrayed as pure Jersey trash on E! in the new show Jerseylicious. The salon, The Gatsby in Green Brook, NJ is portrayed to have Snookie-esque, Manolo wearing stylists with a Staten Island attitude.  Since when?  "I went there a year ago and not one person looked like that," stated my friend Liz.  "My stylist is on the show and has completely revamped her look from a mom with red hair to some sort of MILF, it's ridiculous."

I haven't been there since the beginning of college, but it was a normal, upscale Jersey hair salon that had clientele from Warren (The Jersey Hills), Scotch Plains and other surrounding areas.  All of the assistants used to have funky style with unique tattoos and the beauticians were relatable and likeable.  My mom even went there.  I cannot see this salon's normal clientele adapting well to the remake of their stylists and their attitudes all for this trashy show.

What was once a respectable New Jersey hair salon is now a disgrace and I cannot believe it actually crossed over into Snookie Poof's and Paulie D. blow outs.  Reality TV is killing New Jersey and idiots like these salon owners are letting it!  It's amazing what some would do for 15 minutes of fame.  It's reality TV people, get a grip.