Man of the Week

Ladies, meet Nick, 24 and single from Berkeley Heights, NJ. He's an Assistant Property Manager by day and apparently a huge flirt by night.  He may just win Man of the Year right off the bat, read on and you'll see why. Yes, I'm blushing! What’s in your medicine cabinet?

Nothing! (I have a sister and she rules the bathroom). But if I could put my products in the cabinet I would have all the shit that’s randomly scattered around my room: Deodorant, Shaving Cream, Face Scrub, Floss, Toothpaste, Hair gel, Vitamins, etc… Just the basics.  My favorite brands though would be: Old Spice Deodorant and Garnier “Surf Hair”.

What product can’t you live without and why?

Well considering every night before I leave I brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack; my favorite product would definitely be Jack Daniel’s (I mean come on, once I leave for the night, I ain't coming back).  But besides that, my other choices would be my deodorant, toothpaste, and body wash.

How would you describe your grooming habits?

I would say that I have pretty good grooming habits.  When it comes to cleaning up I basically have the same routine every day: After I wake up and eat I will shave, floss, shower (about 20 min…clean everything), brush my teeth, use mouth wash, q-tip, put on deodorant and cut my nails if they need it.  I get my hair cut when it needs it.  I don’t have a set schedule (like every two weeks)… And on a side note I wash my hands every time after I go to the bathroom.  It drives me crazy when people don’t.

Have you ever gotten a manicure or pedicure? Why or why not?

I’m not going to lie, YES I got a pedicure once.  Me and my ex were out shopping together and she wanted to stop to get one.  So instead of leaving her alone I went in with her to keep her company and see what the hell they actually do.  The employees let me sit in the massage chair next to her, which was a mistake because they straight up suckered me into getting one.  It might have been one of the most unmanly things I’ve ever done but the shit they did to my calves was more than worth it.  Btw if you’re wondering, No I did not get nail polish when they asked me what color I wanted.

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why?  More importantly, what would you do?

This may possibly be the easiest question on the questionnaire.  If I could have one night with any celebrity it would definitely be Americas best beauty blogger – Jeannine Morris!  Not only does she have the greatest blogs on Beauty but she backs it up with her own natural beauty and style!  To answer the question “what would we do” is something I’ll leave up to her to decide.

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?

Her eyes and her teeth… don’t know why that’s just how it happens.

Do you prefer a woman au naturel or all made up?  How come?

First off, beauty is on the inside… but if I had to choose… I love a woman who is all natural!  Any girl can get all done up to look good and I’m sure Jeannine has some great tips for girls to do so.  But for me I just like a girl who is comfortable being who she is.  Of course using make-up works to a girl’s advantage when trying to meet a guy and going out for the night but there comes a point when she just needs be herself… I’ve known girls who never let their boyfriends see them with out their make-up on.  To me that’s just being fake and probably really annoying when it comes to getting out f the house to do things together.  There’s nothing sexier then waking up next to a woman and still finding her just as beautiful as she was the night before.

How about down there?

Does this question pertain to the guy or the girl?  If its for me then let me touch on each one of the styles: Apparently going completely bare can make you look a bigger, but for me I rather not look like I’m 12 years old and personally I think I’m big enough either way.  Landing strips and designs can be cool but are just too much time.  Plus, with some of the designs I would draw, the girl would probably be more interested in them than me.  I personally like neatly groomed- not to much work, its comfortable, and looks good.  I would never do “el natural”! It probably will make it look smaller, sweat more, is uncomfortable, and is just straight up unflattering.  If it’s for a girl, well then that’s totally a different issue.  Definitely completely bare… just makes it look cuter… if it was el natural, I would probably throw-up.

When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?

Tough question…. I love women! And every girl has something different that turns me on to them.  Obviously looks can mean a lot but personally I don’t think they are everything when it comes to how “beautiful” you think a woman is.  It isn’t only about the looks, it’s also about how a girl presents herself and handles herself around you.  Looks will draw me to a woman but her personality and the way she acts accelerates how beautiful I think she is.