Man of the Week

Even though I love to feature men from all over the country, I always get excited when New Yorkers are nominated.  Meet Jon, 27, a trader originally from Brooklyn, NY, but currently resides in Harrison, NY.  He describes his grooming habits as "caveman-esque," which is a first for BeautySweetSpot! Eeek!  Thankfully, it sounds (and looks) like his girlfriend keeps him in check.

What’s in your medicine cabinet?

Nivea after Shave, J&J baby powder, AXE deodorant and shave gel


What product can’t you live without and why?

Nothing in my medicine cabinet is that crucial.  Its more like what product my girlfriend can’t live without me having and that would be deodorant (Ya, I smell at times, I’m a man and I’m supposed to have a musk).

How would you describe your grooming habits?

Caveman-esque, I clean myself daily and shave when it’s needed. Chances are you wont get much more then that out of me day to day.

Have you ever gotten a manicure or pedicure? Why or why not?

No and honestly do I really need to explain why a man should not be worried about things like his mani/pedi?

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why? More importantly, what would you do?

Homer Simpson – Why?!  Why not, how awesome would it be to actually spend one night in The Simpsons household with Homer and the family?  I could only imagine what kind of hijinx would arise in that 24hr period.  The one thing I could hope to do would be eat one of those donuts, with the pink frosting he is always eating, those look good.           

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?  

Eyes, if you pay attention you can learn a lot about someone just by looking them square in the face.

Do you prefer a woman au natural or all made up? 

Natural beauty the way the good lord made her.

How about down there?

Keep it clean, this is America, if you want to grow “a field of dreams”, take it else where.

When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?

Personality, all the good looks in the world die out hard and fast if she doesn’t have a sense of humor or the ability to hold an intelligent conversation.