Man of the Week

Ladies, meet Neal, a 28 year old from Bergen County, NJ who's a teacher by day and red carpet reporter by night. Obsessed with celebrity, Sex and the City and NYC, he's the type of guy any girl would want as their BFF (even Wendy Williams!). To learn more about him check out his website.  

What’s in your medicine cabinet?

The basics: Edge Sensitive Skin Shaving Cream, Jergens Ultra Healing Lotion (to keep skin looking good -nothing DIRTY people!) Clinique Spot Healing Gel (for those stressful days and nights), CVS SPF 45+ Sunscreen (Cheap but effective!), and Crest Pro-Health Enamel Shield Mouthwash

What product can’t you live without and why?

HAIR GEL!!! It's the difference between my hair looking like 1980's Michael Jackson and 1990's Michael Jackson.

How would you describe your grooming habits?

I keep myself clean shaven..all over ha ha! I am mainly a smooth guy so luckily there's not too much manscaping to do!  Especially doing red carpets, I always try to wear something stylish, professional, and look good!  You always want to impress!

Have you ever gotten a manicure or pedicure? Why or why not?

I have not but by the time you read this you never know!  The thought of someone washing my feet for money is definitely not a turn on!  Although come to think of it it does sound very relaxing.  Manicures, I never thought about. 

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why? More importantly, what would you do?

I have two:  Angelina Jolie and Kathy Griffin.  Angelina is beautiful (those lips!), very articulate, and a phenomenal philanthropist.  I could picture going out to a secluded bar, drinking wine.  She seems the type that would want to get to know someone and not just talk about herself.  After we would head over to a Food Bank in the city and help out people less fortunate than us.  Brad who?

I like Kathy Griffin because she speaks her mind and she has a great sense of humor.  I think sometimes humor is underrated and not only is she witty and sharp she knows how to make it look good!  I would love to go backstage and see her creative process of how she comes up with her material.

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?            

I would say with anything, the eyes and the smile. "The eyes are the doorway to a person's soul." So true. You can see a lot of warmth just in the eyes.  Same with the smile.  Doing a lot of events, it's easy to spot who's fake very quickly.  Someone who can display beauty not just by being gorgeous outside but I can feel that inner connection with their eyes and smiles gets a high grade in my book.

 Do you prefer a woman au naturel or all made up? How come?

Living in Jersey and having gone to school in Staten Island -100% au natural!  I have seen too many beautiful girls cake on the makeup.  It's like you wake up with her the next morning and she's a completely different person!  There's nothing wrong with "less is more."  That way you can see their real beauty.  Don't get me wrong- nothing wrong with makeup in moderation!  

 How about down there?

Landing strips are good because you definitely know where to land.  Well you definitely don't want a forrest, because your landing will be completely obscured!  For me as long as it's nicely groomed, bare or well-maintained you won't hear me complaining.

When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?

Aside from a woman who is well put together, a woman who has a great sense of humor is a sweet spot.  You have to be able to laugh and someone that will laugh with you.  Outer beauty can fade (sadly) so it's always good to have someone who is a genuine person in the inside (cliche I know but true!)