Behind the Look: Napoleon Perdis


Welcome to “Behind the Look” – a new feature that showcases the talent behind the looks we love – the real celebrities in my eyes.

When I first met Makeup Artist, Napoleon Perdis, I couldn't stop smiling.  His positive energy lights up a room and his knowledge of painting faces surpasses many.  Trust me, you want to get to know this guy.  Here's his beauty advice, must-haves and use of donkey milk.

Describe the most exciting project you’ve worked on lately.

My latest Masterclass tour in Australia! I shared my personal makeup tips and tricks with my amazing partners across and taught them how I prepare a face for the everyday customer, runway, trend, and more.

What’s your beauty philosophy?

Beauty is about confidence and empowerment. You are in control of the image you project to others. Be the very best version of yourself you can be, and do it every day.

91GVKitQU7L._SL1500_What are the top five must-haves in your kit and why? 

Optrex Eyedew Dazzling Eye Drops - These drops make the whites of your eyes pop immediately, helping to diminish any signs of fatigue.

Hand Sanitizer - Clean hands are a MUST when you are a makeup artist! Always store some in your kit and use before beginning makeup application.

Breath Mints - You have to get up close and personal with clients as a makeup artist and nothing can ruin a makeover experience quite like bad breath.

Glycerin - I mix this with water and put the combination in a spray bottle to create radiant, glowing skin all over the body on photo shoots. To really amp up the glow factor, I also mix in a bit of my Auto Pilot Radiance-Boosting Primer. The result is gorgeous, super shiny skin.

Brush Cleaner - It is imperative to clean your brushes after each use to keep them in top condition and for hygienic purposes. Always keep a bottle in your kit and spray on brushes after each client.

Have you discovered any new products lately that you find impressive?

Donkey Milk! Cleopatra was known to bathe in the youth-enhancing milk, and I took her ancient beauty secret and made it modern with my Auto Pilot Hydrating Milk Cleanser. It leaves skin soft, supple, and cleansed. It’s especially amazing for dry or mature skin. I personally use it on my face and body – and I’ll never turn back.

Spill your best beauty advice.

Never forget to bring out your inner celebrity! Treat every day like you’re stepping out on a red carpet. It sounds cliché, but when you look good, you feel good, and that translates to every aspect of your life.


What’s the one tip or trick that you think all women should know?

Always use a primer! I can’t say it enough - not to prime IS a crime! One of the makeup mistakes women make is not allowing their foundation to become one with their skin, and primer is an easy but effective solution. It ensures a smooth landing for your base and keeps skin looking fresh all day long. My Auto Pilot Pre- Foundation Primer is gentle on skin and soothes the complexion for a flawless finish. If your skin needs an extra boost of radiance, my Auto Pilot Radiance-Boosting primer will lift and flatter the face thanks to its glow-giving properties.