Who Are You in Sex and the City 2

How excited are you? Sex and the City 2 has arrived!  Tonight, I get to take my best friend to a private, advanced screening of the film thanks to Sarah Jessica Parker's new fragrance SJP NYC. Like many of you I've been a SATC fan since Carrie used to talk to the camera (ew) and when the first movie came out, my friends and I brought a bottle of wine and Magnolia cupcakes into the theater to celebrate. Sex and the City nailed it by creating their characters.  In every group of BFF's there's always an innocent princess, seductress, hopeless romantic and sarcastic downer.  So which one are you?  I've always been the Carrie in my groups.  However, I have a different theory about formula of the characters...

I think there's a little bit of Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha and yes, even Miranda in all of us.  The characters have such strong, distinct roles and each of them represent different sides of a woman. Some of us may show one more than the other, but our true BFF's know each and every side, which is why the show is such a hit.

So who do you best identify with?  Any Samantha's out there?  Rarrr!