on air personality

Forbes Recognizes BeautySweetSpot in A 5 Page Profile on Yours Truly!

Three years ago when I decided to go freelance I made a vision board.  Today, there was a five page profile on me and my business in Forbes.  Yes, Forbes!  I'm dying.  The Forbes headline was at the top of my vision board.  Mission accomplished.  It's not all lipstick and manicures ladies... blogging is a business and I'm building an empire one post at a time.

I'm often asked – what I studied in college, how I built my brand, how I get paid, how I get on TV and what my goals are.  Well, I'm beyond honored that my whole story has been captured and now lives online in one of the most respected business publications.

Here's how I did it... and I'm no where near done.  Enjoying the journey?  You bet!  Feel free to ask any further questions below.