
Frank Coffee Scrub: Worth It

Frank-Body-ScrubOne of the benefits of having guy friends who stalk models on Instagram is that I'm always informed when one of them posts a pic using a beauty product.  Little do these guys realize, they've all become BeautySweetSpot spies.  Thanks to one of them, I discovered a body scrub made in Australia that has a cult model following called Frank Coffee Scrub. Of course, I ordered it that day.  About two weeks later, he arrived... and yes, I'm calling the product 'he,' here's why.

Frank isn't just another scrub.  He has the personality of a man on social media, which makes following his account and becoming part of the cult fun.  I follow his Instagram not only to appreciate the branding, but also because it's so clever!  With a tagline of "Get Dirty," I feel like I'm following a 29 year old single guy who's blunt, without being creepy.

Frank-Coffee-Scrub-2As for the product, it took about two weeks to arrive since it came directly from Australia and comes in a 7 oz. paper package.  I thought it was strange that a scrub came in paper, since it would likely get wet, but I'm really careful with it!  It's that good.  It's made with coffee, brown sugar and sea salt to help exfoliate, and almond oil, vitamins and minerals to moisturize.  As soon as I opened it my bathroom smelled strongly of rich, flavorful coffee, but the bag warns that even though the product is vegan, you can't eat it.

The best way to use this scrub is to get in the shower and dampen your skin, then turn the water off.  You'll use about one to two hand-fulls of the scrub for your entire body and face. I wasn't sure how I felt about the exfoliant since it's a bit abrasive and I'm used to really gentle scrubs, but I gently scrubbed it onto my face and body in a circular motion and like the directions said, let it sit on my skin for five minutes before rinsing off.

The proof was in the pudding.  My shower was a bit of a mess since it's a bit thick and it didn't all go down the drain, but my skin felt smooth and looked vibrant and fresh. Seriously, I've been using it once a week (cleaning out the tub each time), and have an addiction.  It's that worth it.  I will purchase it again.  I just wish it came in bigger bags!

You can get Frank Coffee Scrub for $14.95.