dna facial

DNA Facial: Cow's Placenta Tightens

DNA-FacialFacial enthusiasts, pay attention, you're going to want to get on board.  Last week I paid a visit to the White Tea Med Spa in NYC, well known for contouring the bodies of Victoria Secret models, to test out their latest facial, the DNA Facial. Greeted by the brains behind the facial, Lead Esthetician, Maria Rianna, she was eager to smear cow's placenta all over my face. Anything for the sake of beauty, right?

"These cows are located in the French alps.  They're pesticide and horomone free and listen to Mozart to calm them,"  Rianna explains.  "Just like a pregnant woman, stress would negatively affect the placenta and these stem cells are the best."

Within five days of a cows becoming pregnant, scientists extract stem cells from their placenta with a needle and prepare them for the DNA Facial.  They're then frozen, and delivered to spas on dry ice.

Rianna customized my facial before gently tapping the stem cells, (yes, from a cow's placenta) onto my skin.  "You can't rub them on, because they're so sensitive and delicate, you'll destroy them."  While thinking about what she was doing I felt a bit skeeved, but I began to feel an immediate tightening, which proved their worth.

I was told the tightening effect could last up to a week, but day six will be my prime.  She was right, and just in time for a shoot.  I had smaller pores and my skin looked a bit lifted. Combined with miro-current to work the facial muscles and the total works of the facial, the DNA Facial is the creme de la creme of facials.

So how do they work?  Turns out, the stem cells work cosmetically to help rebuild weaker cells.  This can include anything from skin with hyperpigmentation (me), fine lines and wrinkles (me), acne and the list goes on.  It's a one-size-fits all fix.  In Europe and South America, stem cells from cows placentas are used as medical injectables for healing purposes.

The DNY CyroStem Cell Facial costs $225 at White Tea Med Spa, which is located at 104 W. 14th St., NYC.