
A $1,500 Giveaway to Rid Cellulite, Really!

I'm really excited because this is the biggest giveaway I've ever done in BeautySweetSpot history!  Being that it's summer time I figured I'd give you something that will help fight the one problem we all have – cellulite, but it helps much more than that. I'm giving away a Wellbox, an at-home lipomassage and liftmassage device that works on your body to smooth cellulite, firm skin and help sculpt stubborn areas.  On the face, it helps to diminish fine lines and wrinkles and restore definition (think turkey neck).

It probably sounds too good to be true, but I was first introduced to the Wellbox when I worked for Cosmopolitan and learned that results show over time with repeated use.  It works through micro-pulsations that stimulate the skin.

Want one?  I'm giving one away and it retails for $1,500!  Find out how to win after the jump!

Comment below telling me why YOU need the Wellbox.

LIKE BeautySweetSpot on Facebook.

ReTweet the giveaway all week on Twitter @beautysweetspot and @wellboxusa.

The winner will be selected at random and announced once I reach 6,000 Twitter followers (I'm almost there)! Good Luck!

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Ban Cellulite Now

Let's face it, truth is, no matter how skinny a person is, cellulite is still one of their biggest enemies, especially during bikini season.  Yes, that's tiny little Eva Longoria in the photo to the left with cellulite!  Owner of the Townhouse Spa in NYC, Jamie Ahn, filled me in on how to eliminate the enemy (and she's not a fan of creams). "Cellulite treatments in the spa have sky rocketed about 60% in the past month because of bathing suit season," stated Ahn.

The Townhouse Spa offers a cellulite treatment that uses an Ultrasound and non-invasive subdermal therapy to treat all different forms of cellulite.  It can be performed... anywhere on your body from your butt and thighs to your stomach and upper arms.  However if you can't afford spa treatments, there are things you can do on your own to improve the appearance of cellulite.

"The key to ridding cellulite is all in circulation," spilled Ahn.  The best thing to do before hitting the beach is get a massage.  Your butt, and thighs normally receive no circulation on their own so you have to work them yourself.  Do squats and lunges to get the blood flowing in that area and massage it in a circular motion.  You'll see in a short period of time that the cellulite is not as noticeable.  You can also drink water with electrolytes.