boost collagen tips

Hot Collagen Boosting Treatment: Pelleve

Throughout my past five years or so in the beauty industry I'm always being offered free treatment from blow-outs to Botox and while I'll almost always say yes to getting my hair done, I always say no to any sort of anti-aging procedure.  Until recently... I received an email from a friend at a PR firm that read –

"Pellevé, the newest technology in skin rejuvenation & tightening, gently giving consumers a more youthful appearance with virtually no pain or downtime....  It feels like a warm massage!"

Skeptical, because I've heard of the "lunch time facial" that was a laser that was supposed to make you look rejuvenated in a half hour with no downtime and really left you looking like you got a really bad sun burn, I asked the PR girl a few questions and decided to book a treatment.  After all, I am 27 and the fine lines are there!

After making sure I'd be in the hands of a derm or a plastic surgeon I went uptown to Dr. Paul Lorenc's office on Park Ave and was greeted by Carissa.  Sure enough, after a gel was applied to my face, it felt like a warm massage.  I didn't mind it at all.  She rubbed a tool around my whole face, seperating it into four sections, top right and left and bottom right and left.  It did get a little hot on my forehead and she lowered the temperature.  The whole session took about 30 minutes and I instantly looked more youthful.  It instantly plumped any fine lines (she concentrated on my crows feet, forehead lines and smile lines).  However, the instant plumping is just a sweet side effect.

The real results will show over time.  Over the next three months collagen will be building underneath my skin resulting in a more youthful complexion.  Considering the fact I'm still young with minimal fine lines and wrinkles, it's great that I started now to be ahead of the game.  It's easier to prevent than it is to correct.  This treatment can be done several times a year in conjuction with your daily regimen to keep you looking refreshed and keep the collagen building underneath your skin.

In NYC, a full face treatment costs about $1,000, but some clients break it up and just concentrate on the bottom or top half of their faces for less.