alex morgan

Olympians Alex Morgan and Lolo Jones Give Advice on How to Push Your Limits

The invite for yesterday's Degree event read, "Dress comfortably, you'll have a chance to join Alex and Lolo as they test their personal limits."  Challenge accepted.  The women the Degree team were referring to happened to be Alex Morgan, a gold medal winning soccer player and Lolo Jones, a track and field world champion.  After putting their latest passions to the test (paddle boarding and bob sledding), I chatted with each of them about their careers, partnering with the Degree Do More Campaign and new fitness challenges.

After competing in the World Cup in the Olympics, Alex took a two week break and took up paddle boarding while vacationing in Hawaii.  "As a pro athlete it's hard for me to sit still and not do something, she explained.  "Paddle boarding is a way to escape soccer, hang up my cleats for a little bit and try something new.  Plus, I won't get injured doing it or jeopardize my career."  While the two sports are completely different she credits her competitiveness for wanting to step out-of-the-box and achieve something new.

Lolo switched up from track to bob sledding and "It's igniting a new passion for me," she says. "After the London Olympics I came so close to a medal yet again and I felt like I had two options: quit or do more.  I wasn't going to give up on my dream so I fought harder."  She's still running and now says bob sledding and running are equal passions.

Fitness Advice on Pushing Your Limits

"Get out of your comfort zone.  If you're scared, grab a work out partner to push you because you'll hold each other accountable.  My sisters and my mom and I learned paddle boarding together and I might not have learned it that day if I were by myself." - Alex

"Dont get frustrated.  Change it up instead.  Fitness activities often compliment each other and you can do cross activities to help get you in shape for your ultimate goal.  If you're feeling things are mundane, look outside the box." - Lola