Whole Foods

Cleanse Right

I've done two cleanses in my life. One five day from Organic Avenue where I was able to eat raw food and the other was from Whole Foods that was two weeks, where I had to take about eleven huge pills everyday (let's just say I didn't last the full two weeks). With so many different types of cleanses I was curious to find out the benefits of the different types.

Thinking about trying a cleanse?  I got the scoop from celeb nutritionist, Paula Simpson, on the most appropriate ways to cleanse and what you should expect while you're toughing it out.

"Quick fix cleanses tend to be more harsh on the system and do very little in neutralizing toxins by products and supporting the key eliminative pathways including the skin, liver, kidneys, digestion and lungs," remarked Simpson.

Ideally cleanses should be about ten days long, but if you're doing an eliminative diet or detox program it should last anywhere from two weeks to one month.  These are best if done about three to four times per year. Throughout the first few days of a cleanse you may feel tired, have mild headaches and gastric disturbances.

"Watch out for outrageous claims in weight loss and programs not recommended by credible health professionals," Simpson warned.  Programs should be antioxidant rich with natural ingredients and not too restrictive on eating.  When working with her clients, Simpson encourages both a nutrition and supplement program that work to promote the healthy functioning of the digestive system, liver and support healthy immunity.

A good one to try recommended by Simpson: Glisodin Skin Nutrients Advanced Detoxification Program, because it's very easy to incorporate into your daily routine as it's only two drinks per day for 15 days.

Rid Toxins & Re-balance

If you follow my blog regularly you already know that I'm very into health and fitness.  As I've said before, I believe beauty goes far beyond the blush brush and one aspect of beauty I really enjoy is taking care of your body (after all I'm stuck with it for life).  Today, I'm starting a new cleanse called the 365 Complete Body Cleanse that I got from Whole Foods.  

I've tried a cleanse before that lasted five days and was able to eat on it and such.  I really liked it and felt great afterwards.  This cleanse lasts two weeks (I know a long time), but I decided to take on the challenge because I can live my normal life as long as I eat healthy meals and avoid alcohol.  The promise is that it will help to clear out toxins and re-balance my body.

I have to admit, two weeks is a big commitment for me, but all I have to do is take pills daily.  The pills are huge, but all natural.  I'm starting it today and will let you know how I do!  To learn more about it click here.