
Trojan Announces Magnum Man of the Year

Imagine your boyfriend was crowned "Magnum Man of the Year" by Trojan condoms.  What does that even mean? Well I'll tell you this, it's much different than BeautySweetSpot's Man of the Year!  And before your mind wonders too far into the gutter allow me to explain. Trojan partnered with so-called Mr. Magnum himself, Ludacris to kick off a Magnum "Live Large" Project.  Over 2,000 aspiring musicians entered the contest and had to submit songs that reflected their personal live large mentality.  Ten finalists battled in front of Ludacris and one lucky man can now brag that he is Mr. Magnum.

Besides being able to officially brag about his title, he'll be performing at a huge music conference in Atlanta this summer.