Lancome Christmas Crackers

Holiday Party Must Have: Lancome Christmas Crackers

In my family, with each holiday comes another tradition.  I'm so excited for Thanksgiving, because we have fun traditions that have been going on since I was young and this year I have to introduce the Lancome Christmas Crackers.  

After reading this post you're either going to:

1. think my family is super weird

2. completely relate 

3. not care about my family at all and still want the Lancome Christmas Crackers

Every Thanksgiving my whole family on my dad's side gets together (think 30 loud Italians), watch the Cowboys game (yes, we're all die-hard fans) and eat a ton of food including meatless lasagna for my vegetarian cousin and I who aren't so into the idea of Tofurky.  Seems normal right?  Until Morris family tradition.  

After we eat my aunt hands us these party crackers and we pop them open to find little puzzles and plastic toys in them.  We each get a different prize and trade amongst the table, but one thing we all get in them are paper crowns. Now picture this, we all sit at the table and wear the paper crowns through desert!  Needless to say, it's fun and it's been a family tradition since we were little.  Yes, I'm still doing this now at 28 and my boyfriend, Joe was introduced into it last year.  

This year, I'm dying to bring the Lancome Christmas Crackers, ($38 for a pack of six) at least for the ladies at the table.  Instead of popping open little plastic rings and puzzles we can never figure out, we can each have a mini Lancome giftable!  Of course, a festive hat is included along with a beauty tip!  I think they're so adorable and would be a great additive to a holiday party with your girlfriends.  I'm not so sure about my big Italian family!