Club H Fitness

Sweat Like You Mean It with High / Low Workouts

Over the summer I read a headline that stated, "Sweat Is Fat Crying" and it truly resonated with me.  Even though I sweat each time I work out, I hate it and automatically want to stop doing what I'm doing as I'd rather be glistening.  The addiction to the high I get each time I get lost in the vocals that penetrate through the house music coming out of my head phones and my muscles start to burn however, makes the sweat all worth it.  Toxins, pouring out of my body.  If you really want to sweat and tone up, I recommend trying a high/low cardio work out.  Here's why: It's the best of both worlds.  While you're getting in cardio exercise, you're also constantly toning our upper and lower body.  For the past four years I've been taking the Cardio Pump class at Crunch Fitness (formerly Club H) with Vanitha Iyer, which is all based on high / low exercise.  "High / low exercise is a great way to build stamina and the variation of movements keeps the workout interesting," Iyer comments.  "The dynamic movements at a high intensity continue to increase the metabolic rate."

In one 45 minute class, Iyer says you could burn up to about 800 calories.  Let me tell you, for that kind of work out, I sweat and don't mind twice a week!




There's A New Man in My Life & He Makes Me Sweat, Thanks P90X

My studio apartment is now not only my office, but also my P90X home gym.  As a NYer, I learned how to be creative with a small space.  I've been working out at Club H Fitness for the past four years and it was recently bought out by Crunch, who decided to bring what seems like every one of their Manhattan members with them into what was my health club.  Therefore, I needed out and after seeing my friend Tiana's P90X results I jumped on the bandwagon.  Let me tell you, I saw instant results and it's only week three! I was never into infomercials and laughed at my dad when he bought the "As Seen On TV Ab Roller," but I bought the "As Seen on TV DVDs" and have straight up tunnel vision to strength, flexibility and endurance.  I've always been in shape, but this is a new level of dedication.  Each day I take anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes out of my morning and work out with Tony Horton in my living room.  I'm on the P90X lean plan, which is more cardio than weight lifting, with the hopes of a lean, toned body by Memorial Day weekend and beyond.

I'm not drinking the recovery shakes or following the nutrition plan.  That's all a little much for me as the last thing I need is to make another to-do list in my life.  I'm vegetarian and eat pretty healthy in general, but I did give up alcohol.  It's been three weeks and counting.

Two weeks down and so far so good.  I just entered week three and I'm still into it, but have to warn you that it's not for everyone.  When I had to go to classes I was driven by the instructor and other students to keep going.  Now, it's my own dedication and determination that keeps me going.  It works for me, for now, but unless you have the drive within you, it won't work.  I love that I get my butt kicked first thing in the morning and no longer have to revolve my day around my gyms class schedule.


Embrace Your Inner Angelina with Cardio Kick Boxing

Two weekends ago I found myself puttying around the gym and just knew my head wasn't into it.  A "Kick It" class was about to begin and I knew if I was going to get anything out of my morning there I'd have to join.  Little did I know what I was getting into.  With 2.5 pound weights in hand, I lasted 30 out of 45 minutes and anxiously returned the next week again to make it only a half hour!  Looks like I have a new challenge: Cardio Kickboxing, bring it on! The Sargent behind the class, Marta Watson at Club H is anything but forgiving.  I like to say it's run military style and the cardio is so high intensity that I after a half hour I find myself dripping in sweat and almost collapsing to the floor.

"My energy is always up," Watson commented.  "If people who take my class keep their energy up and push themselves through it they can burn up to 1,000 calories in the 45 minutes."

Clearly, I'm not one of those people, but I'm determined to be!  There are a ton of regulars who are killing it in class, but it bothers me that their form is off.  I'm all about form.  Having taken kick boxing classes before I can do a mean jab, cross and upper cut.  The round kick?  Forget about it.

I feel completely bad ass when I'm kickboxing, like I'm embracing my inner Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider.  I have to admit though, as much as I welcome the new challenge, it's really frustrating to not be able to keep up considering how much I work out.  Cheers to upping my cardio game!


I See You Baby, Shakin' that... Spin Class, It's All About the Music

There are two things that get me through a spin class: determination and music. To get fully in the zone, I need explosive house music blasting through the room and use the climaxes of the beats to bring me back to focus whenever I may drift off.  Tonight, I tried a new instructor at Club H Fitness and she played Z100's Top 100.  I was ready to walk out until she introduced a dance... It was too good.  The song, "I See You Baby, Shakin' That Ass," came on and she instructed us to all run standing off of our bikes (in position two for those of you spinners) and when the chorus came on, "I see you baby, shakin' that ass..." we had to bend over on the handle bars (into position three) and pretend we were shaking our asses.  No lie.  I wish I captured it on video.

The first time the chorus came on all 30 of us or so participated.  The second time the chorus came on however, four of the nine guys stayed standing straight up.  I knew it. Too cool for school.  Once they realized they looked stupider standing while we were all hunched over shaking our asses, they joined right back in.  Yes, spin class made fun without house music.  I didn't think it was possible.

Truth is, in spin class you'll work up to seven percent harder when listening to music synched to your pedal stroke, according to a study by Costas Karageorghis, Ph.D.  The faster the beat, the faster you'll pedal.  Makes sense right?  For me, it's all about adrenaline.

Fitness: Sacrifices for Better Shape

For the past four years I've been in a committed relationship with my gym – Club H Fitness.  The only time I ever cheated was to test out Physique 57 classes or turbo spin classes at other studios, but at the end of the day, I was faithful.  Until now... I quit.  I joined New York Sports Club to make a long story short (I know, I know).  Truth is, my best friend and boyfriend both belong and as of late my motivation is coming from taking classes with them. Despite the fact that I did see an ant at the NYSC near my apartment, I did take one of the best classes I've ever taken in my life there – Turbo Kickboxing.  (Side note: Club H is the cleanest gym ever... so spoiled!)

A study from Oregon Health and Science University found that when people attended gym classes, they worked out 69% more often, as opposed to 54% when exercising alone, which proves my theory.  I'm ignoring the ants and taking the plunge... Hello New York Sports!