Safe After Hurricane Sandy: Survival Essentials

How is everyone?  So sorry I haven't been updating as frequently.  All of the dry shampoo and cleansing towelettes in the world couldn't have prepared me for what Hurricane Sandy brought on this week.  And that sounds shallow.  We got lucky.  Joe and  I live on the third story of a doorman building  in midtown by the East River and watched as the water rushed across 1st Ave. and up to our apartment on Monday night.  We've been without power and water, but I found wifi for a minute at a friend's office.  Here's what I really needed when the lights went out and water shut off to survive and keep myself from going stir crazy: Candles, Flashlight & Backup Batteries

The scariest part is walking out of our apartment and into the hallway where there are no windows and then down the staircase to get outside.  A flashlight is a must.  And of course, backup batteries.  I love candles and have a ton of them in our place, but never intended to use them all at the same time.  My favorites include: Voluspa and Paddy Wax.


Not only do you need gallons of water to drink, but you need to fill your bathtub and any pitchers and water bottles you have with water prior to a possible emergency to use to brush your teeth, wash up and flush the toilet with.  This is essential.

Second (Third, Fourth...) Day Beauty Products

Since morning after hair takes on a new meaning, I recommend placing it in the chicest braid or bun possible and relying heavily on Oscar Blandi's Volumizing Dry Shampoo.  You can work it at the roots to give them a little lift and soak up any oil.  Each night, brush it out, sleep in a bun and do it again in the morning.  Brushing it out is key so it doesn't get matted day after day.  Of course, don't forget cleansing towelettes and a body mist.


I can't tell you the last time I played a board game because I'm so consumed with the web, but challenging Joe to Scrabble has been one of the highlights of having no power.  Make sure you have at least a deck of cards handy.  It can kill hours in the dark.


I don't think I need to explain myself here.


It gets cold!  I haven't seen one New Yorker actually dressed since the storm happened.  It's too cold.  Without heat, people here are less judgmental.  Believe it or not it seems like everyone is living in leggings, sweaters and baseball caps (to hide the hair). Make sure you have blankets to snuggle under.