Pantene is Looking for A Reality TV Star

Reality TV is addiciting.  Even if the show is a train wreck, you can't turn it off because it's like watching an accident happen.  Being on reality TV definitely has it's perks.   I saw the cast of The City and some of the ladies from The Real Housewives of NYC sitting front row during New York Fashion Week this past season. If given a chance... would you want to be on a reality TV show? I know it probably depends on what kind of show, but with this show the answer is yes, yes, yes! Pantene is looking for a reality hair star and it could be you!  Submit a video telling Pantene about your hair personality by April 18th and you could be chosen (by America's votes of course) to be flown to NYC for an in-person test shoot this May.  The live TV ad will run May 25th on a major TV network and you could be a reality TV star!

Check out an entry by this "real housewife."