My Photo Shoot with Silhouette

Yesterday I had the honor to to act as a model and partake in a photo shoot with Silhouette, a brand dedicated to creating rimless eyewear, for their look book.  I was so excited, but at the same time super nervous, because  as you know, I'm no model! Even though I do TV segments and feel comfortable in front of that camera, being in front of a camera like this is completely different.  The photographer, Andreas Hofer, was a saint.  He coached me through the 2 1/2 hour shoot and made me feel really confident.  We shot on top of a roof deck downtown that over looked NYC. The biggest challenges – not smiling, the wind and trying to ignore all of the people who were watching!

I wrote a more in depth piece on this that will be posted next week on my column on with tons of behind the scenes pics.  Make sure you check it out!