Man of the Week

Ladies, meet Joel, aka Soul Joel, a very well known 29-year-old standup comedian from Staten Island, NY. He's also a radio personality on The Comedy Point and the co-founder of Soul Joel Productions. Who doesn't like a guy that'll make them laugh? Check out his live radio show here and laugh away.

 What’s in your medicine cabinet?

Crest Toothpaste, Neutrogena Clean Pore, Fx Spiking Glue

What product can’t you live without and why?

Some sort of hair gel! Wow, I never thought I'd say that. I guess living on Staten Island has taken over my decision process, but my hair doesn't feel the same if I don't have gel in it.

How would you describe your grooming habits?

Well my 2 sisters, call me the 3rd sister because they both feel they are more masculine then I am. Can we start this interview over?

I'm 50% Italian, which means if I let my eye brows go natural, they would become one. I get them waxed, there I said it.

Have you ever gotten a manicure or pedicure? Why or why not?

I haven't, but a guy that works in my mom works with had gotten a pedicure once and raved about it. So I'm not ruling it out either one, as a possibility for the future

If you could have one night with any celebrity who would it be and why? More importantly, what would you do?

This is a tough question, since you said ANY celebrity, my first thought is what female would I choose? But then you asked and what would you do, so I'm going with Diddy. Or whatever he's calling himself this week.

I would to just shadow him in a day in the life of what he does. I pride myself on being someone who has created my own opportunities in the entertainment industry, just like he did coming up. I used the money I made from my former day job in pharmaceutical sales to start Soul Joel Productions. I think spending some time with Diddy would be both inspirational and insightful.

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?

Whether she has a nice smile or not.

Do you prefer a woman au naturel or all made up?

I have a two part answer here. I like a girl that can be pretty either way. If she is just as pretty when she wakes up with no make up, as when she went to sleep, than that's a keeper.

No one is perfect first thing in the morning, but I don't want a girl to be a completely different person when she is all done up. Does that make sense?

How about down there?

Completely bare, landing strip, neatly groomed but not natural that’s for sure. I want whatever the girl likes, as long as it's not overgrown. And we're talking about on a girl, right? Just making sure, I've never shaved a landing strip on myself.

When it comes to a woman’s beauty what’s your sweet spot?

Her smile and eyes. I pride myself on being able to light up a room and bring smiles people's faces. There is no better feeling in the world to me. When a girl smiles, if she can do the same, it says a lot about her. Some of the best communication at times, can be unspoken.

If she smiles at you and you are making eye contact, you can connect on another level without having said 1 word.