How to Keep Your Calm When Running in Heels

While you're probably really excited that it's finally spring, this year I've added a new season to the calendar – wedding season, and it's officially begun.  So yes, while I'm excited that I'm waking up to sunshine, too, I'm completely overwhelmed by the eight weddings (never mind the showers and bachelorettes) Joe and I have this summer.  Everyone's getting married!  Including myself!  In the midst of the chaos, traveling, celebrating and of course working, here's how I'm keeping my cool.  Have a hectic schedule too?  You'll be thanking me for this one.

While it seems with this kind of schedule you need to go 24/7, a girl needs her beauty sleep.   Here's a trick: before you get under the covers apply a lip balm with menthol or eucalpytus in it and take a few deep breaths.  The scent alone will help clear your head and relax you.

Times like these also induce anxiety so you need a few things to keep yourself calm – music, deodorant and a sense of humor.  Music affects your heart rate, so to chill out, plug in your headphones and put on something with a slow rhythm.   A good deodorant is crucial, try Dove go sleeveless.  It's the only one that has Vitamins E & F plus Dove  moisturizers in it and gives you softer, smoother underarms in five days.  Plus it gives you 48 hours of odor and wetness protection while coming in a variety of light fragrances.  Again, crucial!  Visit for more information.  Finally, you need to be able to laugh at situations and yourself.  When things get stressful and you have a jam packed schedule a sense of humor goes a long way.

*This post is sponsored by Dove, but all of my thoughts and actions are true.