My Intern Learns the Most Valuable Fashion's Night Out Lesson as I Celebrate Fashion's Night In

Champagne, town cars, designer clothing and shopping.   That's right.  It was the fourth annual Fashion's Night Out (FNO) in NYC, but for me, it was my first and I had no idea what I was in for.  I went into the city from Staten Island (where I go to school) to scope out the scenes with my friends and tweet from the happenings for Jeannine as my last summer internship duty.  From Soho to the Meatpacking District, here's what I experienced, including spotting the Queen of Fashion herself, Anna Wintour.


A group of friends and I met up in Soho to kick our night off.  Our first stop?  Dash. There was a line down the block, not to meet Kim Kardashian, or any Kardashians for that matter, but Jonathan Cheban.  When my obsessed Kardashian fan friend, Brendan, saw what was going on, he wanted in right away.  But he was not willing to wait in the line.  He walked straight through the doors while they let a group of people from the line in.  It turned out to be a pretty smart move because he was one of the last ones to get a picture with Cheban.  Check out Kim's blog post about the event.

Ivanka Trump:

Around the corner from Dash was the Ivanka Trump store. We walked in, passed the live models on the pedestals and found a spot towards the back to hang out and enjoy the crowd. The celebrity at this store may not have been as exciting for some people, but for me it was as if  I saw Brad Pitt.  It was JP Rosenbaum (the winner of Ashely's Bachelorette season).  He was hanging out right next to us. Being a HUGE fan of The Bachelor series (my guilty pleasure that I can not believe I am even admitting now) I was too giggly and awkward to get a picture with him. Instead, I just bragged about it to all my other Bachelor series fan friends.



After Soho we ventured to the Meatpacking District.  And what was there but the ultimate fashion week celebrity spotting-- Anna Wintour!  And I thought JP was big!

The crowd was intense!  She looked amazing with her sleek bob, smiling, waving as she was signing the cover of Vogue's September issue, and out of the group of people I was with, the football player was the only one who got the signature.  How did he get the signature?  He cut the line. He wondered forward when he saw Dwayne Wade. Being a sports fan, he pushed his way through.

So what did I learn from FNO '12? Always cut the line.