Confessions of A Speed Dater

Last night I attended Purple Lab NYC's Find A Luvah Speed Dating Event at the W in Hoboken.  Having never gone to a speed dating event before, I found myself partially inspired by Creatrix, Karen Robinovitz's serial dating story and by Kate Hudson's role in my favorite movie, "How to Loose A Guy in Ten Days."  Therefore, I attended the event as a speed dater/reporter in disguise.


Karen went on over 149 dates before meeting her luvah, Todd, and created this event for singles hoping it would help them speed up the process by having over 500 people in one place, and each date lasting only three minutes. Kate Hudson, or Andy Anderson in the movie, was challenged to date a guy (Matthew McConaughey) for ten days and do all of the what not to do's to drive him away.  

With the support of some of my single girlfriends who I dragged along with me, I put on my game face and tried to find a luvah like Karen for some of the dates, acting like myself and really enjoying the process and for others, I pulled a 180 and did a different dating faux paus for each to see how the guy would react.

Here's what happened:

Victim 1: I kept having eye sex with the guy behind him.

His reaction: He ignored it at first and kept up with the conversation, then turned around to see what I was looking at and looked back at me and said, "Do you know him?"  I said, "Not yet."  I couldn't help but laugh.  He did not take down my speed dating number.

Victim 2: I told him I believed we were meant to be because our speed dating numbers were very close to each other, asked him his sign, told him it went with mine and that I could already tell we belonged together.

His reaction: For starters, he didn't take down my number at the end of the three minutes, which means he wasn't interested.  He told me he had no idea what his sign meant and asked me if I was "some kind of spiritual person or something."  He played along with me, answered my questions, but I thought it was really interesting when he told me he like planets....

Victim 3: I told him I wanted to get married and have tons of babies as soon as possible.

His reaction: His eyebrows rose and he smiled.  He told me he lived in Hoboken and worked in the city then asked me what I did.  I told him and tried to steer the conversation back to wanting to have a family. He completely ignored the statement.  He did not take down my number.

Victim 4: I repeated everything he said.

His reaction:  He actually wrote down my number!  I'm not sure if he'll really try to connect with me or not, but he pretended he was interested after our date.  At first he just thought I wanted him to answer the questions he was asking me first, but then when I would repeat his answers he couldn't start laughing.  He had a great sense of humor.

Victim 5: I gave one word answers and didn't say much.

His reaction: "Do you have anything to say? We only have three minutes."  He was a little shocked and frustrated, then started rattling out questions for me to answer on rapid fire.  I just stared at him shaking my head, still giving very little.  He also, didn't take down my speed dating number.

Remember, these all happened within three minutes each!  And... just for the record, yes, I did meet some very cute guys who I do hope to see again! ;)  Purple Lab NYC launched their new Luvah lip gloss that's a double plumper with a 3D glossy effect.  Soon to be available on HSN starting Feb. 18th so tune in!